No one really prepares you for the whirlwind of events that take place while raising babies. I know we’ve all heard the “enjoy it because it goes fast” but really, it’s too fast. We’ve been cautious of enjoying and taking in every single day with the babies, everyday.
Seeing babies grow and change is amazing. Everything else is secondary. Some things that may have seemed important pre-babies are so insignificant it’s comical. Views on life, on people, on oneself, change. Life is centered on these little beings you’ve created.
I know that I have changed. All of my relationships have changed. Some have gotten stronger while others have dissipated. My own actions, or lack thereof, have made me someone you may love, like or altogether wish to remove from your own life. I accept that.
Nonetheless, I am emerging, once again. We finally feel like we know what we’re doing, although I’ve always felt that way. Everything with the babies is instinctual; I just know what to do. The babies have been great teachers to us. The babies have completed us.